New Associate Director of CCRC, Prof. Mani Sarathy

20 August, 2017


We are pleased to announce that Prof. Mani Sarathy has accepted the position of Associate Director of the Clean Combustion Research Center(CCRC). 

He will focus primarily on three areas; enhancing and quantifying technology translation to industry, student recruiting and outreach, and building mutually-beneficial inter-center research programs. 

​“Our center continues to enjoy a very positive reputation both internally within KAUST and externally to the combustion community.  With Prof. Mani’s energy, enthusiasm, and creativity, our reputation will surely increase further.", said Prof. William Roberts, Director, CCRC. 

"The Combustion Research Center at KAUST is a beacon for clean and efficient energy technologies. It will be an honor to serve the CCRC’s brilliant Faculty and talented researchers. Together, we will continue solving humanity's energy challenges through goal-oriented fundamental research." said Prof. Mani Sarathy, Associate Director, CCRC. 

​Click here to know more about Prof. Mani Sarathy. ​

Click here to visit his research group website. 

- by Raheena Abdurehim