FUELCOM Project Review at Saudi Aramco's Fuel Technology, Research and Development Division in Dahran

15 March, 2017

​​ RDC at Night-full

Teams from Saudi Aramco and KAUST have been meeting every six months since the beginning of the FUELCOM program to review project progress and plan future activities. The latest of these meetings was held recently in Dhahran. 

Representatives from the Clean Combustion Research Center visited Saudi Aramco's Fuel Technology, Research and Development Division (FTR &DD) to review the progress of their collaborative project 'FUELCOM' on 15 and 16 March, 2017.

19 representatives from CCRC including faculty, research scientists, postdocs, and master's students arrived at Dhahran to review the progress of FUELCOM I and II for the period between August 2016 to February 2017.

On day one, the progress of FUELCOM I was discussed in detail and recommendations for the upcoming period were made. The external collaborators for FUELCOM II from Michigan Technological University (MTU) and Wisconsin University (WU) joined in for the afternoon session through video conferencing.

Day two reviewed the progress of FUELCOM II, performed by CCRC in detail. Recommendations were made for improvements that all parties agreed on. The review was followed by a technical executive session between the task leaders from both KAUST and Saudi Aramco to finalize the plan for the upcoming period. The two day meeting came to an end with an executive session between the project leaders from the Clean Combustion Research Center and Saudi Aramco.

This review meeting was an excellent opportunity for the Clean Combustion Research Center and the Fuel Technology, Research and Development Division (FTR &DD) to discuss the progress in their colloborative research program (FUELCOM I & II). It was promising and reassuring that the ongoing research is very much aligned with the FT, R&DD and CCRC’s business goals.

- by Raheena Abdurehim