Hadi Hajibeygi is an associate professor at TU Delft in The Netherlands. He leads Delft Subsurface Storage Theme and co- leads Delft Advanced Reservoir Simulation (DARSim) program. He is the science lead of the IEA TCP 42 on Underground Hydrogen Storage. Hadi's research interests are centered around multiscale experimental and numerical analyses of complex processes in subsurface formations.
He holds Ph.D. with Medal from ETH Zurich Institute of Fluid Dynamics, during which he also spent 9 months with Chevron Energy Technology Company in San Ramon, Intersect Simulation Team. He was a Postdoc Fellow at Stanford University between 2011-2013, then after he joined TU Delft. Hadi received Interpore Award for Porous Media Research in 2021, and was a guest professor at Stuttgart University between 2017-2020. He co-chaired the International Society for Porous Media (Interpore) Scientific Program Committee between 2017-2021.
Founder and Director at HyET Hydrogen
Associate Professor at TU Delft in The Netherlands
Manager, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Argonne National Laboratory