Dr. Rajesh Ahluwalia is a Senior Engineer and a Section Manager at Argonne. He is a Principal Investigator (PI) of DOE-EERE-HFTO projects on fuel cells for trucks, aviation, maritime, locomotives, agriculture, construction, and mining. He is also a PI of several projects on on-board hydrogen storage for light-duty and heavy-duty applications, liquid carriers for steel and renewable energy, and liquid hydrogen storage and transport. He is a Deputy Director of the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck Consortium (M2FCT) of national laboratories, industrial organizations and universities. He is also a PI of the H2NEW consortium on hydrogen production from next generation electrolyzers of water.
In 2014, DOE recognized his dedication and support with a Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program award for his technical insight and guidance regarding fuel cell, hydrogen storage, and hydrogen production systems.
Founder and Director at HyET Hydrogen
Associate Professor at TU Delft in The Netherlands
Manager, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Argonne National Laboratory