Aerospace propulsion conference breadcrumb-speakers-03
Ruud Eggels

Combustion methods specialist, Rolls-Royce Deutschland


Ruud Eggels is a combustion methods specialist at Rolls-Royce Deutschland since 2001. He jointed Rolls-Royce in the UK in 1997. He completed his Ph.D. at the Technical University Eindhoven.

He is the global lead for combustion methods development within Rolls-Royce. It implies the responsibility for the global strategy and development of combustion methods. Within the last decade CFD has grown into a design tool for combustors and is being applied intensively for fuel injector and combustor design.

Three years ago, Rolls-Royce started on the development of a combustor system suitable for hydrogen.

Since 2016, Ruud is a member of the board of the German Section of the Combustion Institute and since 2018 member of the board of directors of the Internal Combustion Institute.

All sessions by Ruud Eggels

Ruud Eggels: First Steps of Converting Aero-Engine Combustors for the Use of Hydrogen
01:30 PM
Ruud Eggels

Combustion methods specialist, Rolls-Royce Deutschland
